20 October 2010

mama mary

October is the month of the Holy Rosary.  Being the good, Catholic girl that is this nightmare, it had completely slipped my mind until last Thursday.  My dad mentioned that he would be doing a photo shoot of the Virgin Mary since he noticed an exhibit of Marian statues in HP.  I guess something "struck" him so he decided to go back the next day with his camera and studio lights.

Since this nightmare's schedule is busier than a bee during spring, she decided to spend the afternoon playing photographer's assistant.  Rather, the-ac-is-off-so-I-will-complain-a-lot-then-disappear-into-the-bookstore type of assistant.

I remember a conversation this nightmare had with Jam Mayer where we realized we couldn't not be Catholic because of our relationship with the Virgin Mary.  We give her almost as much headaches as we give to God.

In Catholicism, there are probably as many Marys as there are saints.  She unstintingly prays for everyone and everything with no conditions.  She comes in all shapes, sizes and colors.  This exhibit had around 50 statues that were all on loan from individuals and families; showing a very good range of the different Marys.  Now I remember why Barbie sometimes reminded me of Mary.

My favorites 

The Marys that are a little different from what I grew up with

All images by Edwin Celestino

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