06 October 2010

and I quote

I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do; and that enables you to laugh at life's realities.

- Dr. Seuss
I’d began to realize that there was an unspoken prejudice among book-learned people, a secret conviction they all seem to share; that life as we know it is an imperfect vision of reality, and that only art, like a pair of reading glasses can correct it.  They could never reconcile themselves to the idea that our lives don't follow the dramatic arc that a good author gives to a literary character.  Only in accidents of pure perfection does the world actually become a stage.  And that, they seemed to think, was a shame.

- The Rule of Four
Ian Caldwell & Dustin Thomason
There is no sin except stupidity.

- Oscar Wilde
The true method of knowledge is experiment.

- William Blake
It is one of the superstitions of the human mind to have imagined that virginity could be a virtue

- Voltaire

So few things happen to us that we have to undergo
Most of the time, we're double, we can stand outside and see an event
- hope, fear, anticipate, judge
And then something happens where we have no room for though or imagining
- where what happens is real and all that is real.
We talk a lot about living fully, but the last thing we want is to live anything through
We think that sort of single-minded grief is insanity,
But is it only an acknowledgement of a factual truth; an intolerable truth

- AS Byatt

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